FabulouS CreationS DownloaD CenteR
WinZip 8.0
Installation Instructions
All the files here are of the "zipped" type, which means that they have been compressed to make smaller files for quicker dowloading times. If you do not have WinZip 8.0 or a similar DeCompressing program, you will not be able to use the files found here. On the menu above you can download WinZip 8.0, so that you may begin to enjoy your downloads more quickly. There are installation instructions available if you need help to install the program.
Have fun and enjoy your stay at
FabulouS CreationS

FontS for FabulouS CreationS WeB SiteS
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At FabulouS CreationS, we believe that fonts can make or break a Web-Site. We put together sites that have a certain charm all their own, and the font plays an important role. Below are the sites with the fonts that are unique to their style. Pick the site, download the fonts and install them on your system to see these sites the way that they were designed. We believe this approach is easier, and faster than waiting for images of words to appear. It is advised to download all the FabulouS CreationS fonts first as they are on all of the sites that we design. Also some of the files here can be shareware, and I would be remiss if I did not include a "pay for your shareware" clause (instructions are included in the zipped file), which I just did, so now that that's out of the way....let's download some fonts, shall we. Click on the Font Links to begin downloading.

Oh yea, just click on the name of the site you came from to go back....
FabulouS CreationS
Pauls Wedding
Coventry Garden
BYU Group
Alan Den
BeautY SchooL DropouT II
SuI GeneriS
Blood Feast
Liquidism Part 2
BN Manson Nights

Crown Title
Joe DiMaggio

Frank Zappa
Die Nasty

Cactus Love

Dragon Order
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FabulouS CreationS, also believes that "All work and no play makes Fabulous a dull boy". So we will be putting some of the better (IMHO), Freeware & Shareware games as we find them.
Pirates 2.56 Upgrade to Ver. 2.57 Players List

Visitor # 897 to the Download Center!
Another Web-Site by FabulouS CreationS
(c)2001 FabulouS CreationS

Font Installation Instructions
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We at FabulouS CreationS understand that for some, installing anything on your computer can be a nerve-racking experience. That's why you are here. Let's see if we can make this a little easier to understand, so you can enjoy the uniqueness and individuality of the Sites we design. Remember that all the fonts are .ZIP files, so you will first have to download and install WinZip 8.0
So let's start there shall we.
To install WinZip 8.0:
  1. Click on the WinZip 8.0 and pick a folder to save it to.
    (We recommend saving to DeskTop)
  2. Click on the WinZip 8.0 file on your DeskTop, and follow the installation instructions.

    That's all there is to it. You are now ready to begin adding fonts to your computer.
There are two EASY methods to add fonts to your system:
  1. UnZip the files (Extract) directly to your systems' Font Folder.
    Search Instrutions
  2. UnZip the files to another Folder and install them.

    We will start with Method One.

    To install directly from WinZip:
    1. Locate the zipped font file from where you saved it on your computer. (DeskTop?)
    2. Click on the .ttf file that will appear in the list of files.
      (There may be more than one)
    3. After you have highlighted the files you want to include,
      click on EXTRACT.
    4. Under FILES, choose SELECTED FILES, and uncheck the box USE FOLDER NAMES.
    5. Locate the folder that contains your system fonts.
      (USUALLY: "C:\WindowsFonts" but it may vary)
    6. Click on the Folder that holds your fonts, and then click EXTRACT.
    7. You may need to restart your system to complete the installation.

      You've done it! That wasn't so bad now was it? Now go back to site you downloaded the fonts for and see the difference that it makes. Now you can download and install fonts for any
      FabulouS CreationS SitE.
To install with Method Two:
  1. Create a new Folder called "Fonts" on your DeskTop.
  2. Extract the .ttf file (See Method 1) to your new Fonts Folder.
  3. From Control Panel (Settings on the START Menu), open the FONTS Folder.
  4. Click on FILE from the top Tool Bar, and click INSTALL NEW FONTS.
  5. From FOLDERS click on your FONTS Folder from the DeskTop.
  6. Your new fonts will appear in the window called LIST OF FONTS.
  7. Double click on the font(s) you want to install.

    Your new fonts have been installed and you didn't have to pull any hair out did you?
We hope this makes using .Zip files and Font installation a lot easier on your computer and your heart. If you have ANY problems at all, feel free to contact us and, (using a Live Chat Room) we will guide you through the process, step by step so that you too can enjoy the efforts of our Site Designs.
We look forward to seeing you on a FabulouS CreationS Site near you.
Until then....

Surf on....
Fabulous Trash
Owner FabulouS CreationS

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Where is my Font Folder?
The easiest way to find where your system keeps it's fonts is to open WINDOWS EXPLORER, and SEARCH your system to find where they are kept.

Here's how:
  2. Click the button on the TOOL BAR labeled SEARCH.
  3. Under "SEARCH FOR FILES OR FOLDERS NAMED" type in *.ttf
  4. From the DropDown Menu under LOOK IN, click on "LOCAL DISK C".
  5. Click on SEARCH.

    When the search is done you will see a list of all the fonts on your system. The column "IN FOLDER" will be where your system fonts are kept. Use this folder to follow the instructions for either method of font installation. Click on FOLDERS from the TOOL BAR to return EXPLORER to its normal condition. That's it!

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